Monday, 19 November 2012

I’d Look Dumber without My Mask!

Pretentious … pretentious…! The entire world is singing the same song – why be ‘ourselves’ when no one else is? Why reveal the sweet, cute and somewhat Naïve inner self when you can get away by looking really mean, sharp and oh-so-intelligent!!

Often, what one wants to look like or pretend to be like is a reflection of one’s own insecurities. If I know that somewhere deep inside, I am not really qualified for this position, I try and portray that I am very confident of the tasks and a kind of know-it-all-dude so that not everyone knows my secret.

One may also want to look rigid and don’t-you-mess-with-me kinds if they know that they are actually very sensitive people, or people who have a fear of being rejected. So before you reject me, I’d rather reject being too friendly with you… Huh!!

But do we really need these masks? Wouldn’t the world be a better place if you get to be yourself and no pretence required, after all, not all of us are some Brad Pitt or an Amitabh Bacchan!

Well, think again! One ‘forgets’ to change or evolve just because you are yourself! One may have the personality of a quiet and shy child, which would hold him back from being a public speaker or a trainer, creating a barrier in exploring more options than just what his/her personality ‘permits’.

Another factor would be that we usually cover up things we missed on learning by saying – ‘I can’t help it, it’s the way I am’. But then I guess it must be difficult to put up with a team mate who has difficulty putting a leash on their language and hell no! Why would you even want to put up with it … there are norms of behavior that he MUST abide with, so what if they are “themselves”.

And there we go again – it’s like moving around in a circle – but what choices do we have?? For mental peace, you need to be yourself and express yourself completely, but it is all the more important to go beyond boundaries and also conform to social norms. Complicated as it may sound, but the art is to be the Juggler at the circus (or that’s how we like to see the rest of the world: P)

We are supposed to be able to juggle between the masked self and the un-masked self to try pleasing others to some extent and ourselves to some extent…!

So go ahead, go find the balls and start practicing, who said you’ll have all day anyway?


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